Singing Guide: Conan Gray

Singing Guide: Conan Gray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Conan Gray is an American singer-songwriter who has gained a massive following due to his unique pop sound, relatable lyrics, and infectious personality. If you're looking to sing like Conan, here are several key elements of his style that you should focus on:

  • First and foremost, Conan's vocal technique is characterized by a high-pitched, breathy tone. To emulate this sound, try to sing from your head voice and focus on breathing from your diaphragm to maintain control and stability. You can also practice singing with a slight "hush" or "whisper" quality to your voice to add that breathy texture.
  • When it comes to performance, Conan is known for his emotional and heartfelt delivery. To channel his energy, focus on connecting with the lyrics of your songs and conveying their emotional content through your vocals, body language, and stage presence. Remember to vary your dynamics and use vocal inflections to convey the story of the song.
  • In terms of specific songs, check out "The Other Side," which showcases Conan's high-pitched vocals and emotional delivery, as well as "Maniac," which has a more upbeat and energetic feel.

To further enhance your singing abilities, Singing Carrots offers several resources that may be helpful. You can take the vocal range testto determine where your voice sits and compare it to Conan's. The pitch accuracy test can help assess your pitch and suggest exercises to improve. Be sure to check out our pitch training and warm-up exercises to help build your technique, vocal strength and endurance. Use Singing Carrots search function to find songs by vocal range, genre, and difficulty. Check out our vocal range database to find the ranges of over 5000 famous singers, including Conan Gray.

Remember, every voice is unique, and it's important to find your own style and sound. Practice regularly, seek out constructive feedback and most importantly, have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.